This section summarises population census data availability through the web for a sample of countries in Europe plus the US. The websites for the following countries were used to collect information on population censuses:

Croatia www.dzs.hr/Eng/Census/census2001.htm Estonia www.stat.ee/frames.aw/section=617/set_lang_id=2 Finland www.stat.fi/tk/he/vaestolaskenta/vaestolask_en.html France www.insee.fr/en/recensement/page_accueil_rp.htm Ireland www.cso.ie Spain www.ine.es/inebase Switzerland www.bfs.admin.ch/content/bfs/portal/de/index.html UK www.statistics.gov.uk/census2001/default.asp US www.census.gov/main/www/cen2000.html

The Census of Croatia is produced following the recommendations of Eurostat and the UNECE. All core topics described by the recommendations are included within the census, as well as 50% of the non-core topics. Tables containing the results of the census data are available from the website, which includes data from both national and regional levels. A limited number of graphs are also available.