The history of the police in England and Wales is well chronicled by many writers (Radzinowicz 1948–1969; Reith 1956; Tobias 1972, 1979; Critchley 1978; Emsley 1991; Reiner 1992; Rawlings 2002). Unfortunately the same cannot be said for the history of the Scottish police, as little published historical work exists and ‘the dearth of serious historical investigation and analysis hinders attempts to account for this early development’ (Walker 2000: 152). The purpose of this chapter is to give some insight into the history of Scottish policing in general from the early 19th century to the mid-2Oth century, seeking to identify the roots of any distinctive features that may be discerned. In particular, special attention will be paid to the Glasgow Police as a case study in the origins of the police in Scotland and its historical development.