I felt in a daze when we both got home again and seemed to drift along. We reverted to our usual visits to family and friends in an endeavour to ‘pick up the pieces’ and recover from our ordeal. One good thing was that I now could fit into my jeans. I could not breathe but I could fasten them! Dominic was not sleeping well at all after having been disturbed so much by his illness. In the daytime he had periods of severe irritability and then for no apparent reason would be all smiles, usually for his grandmother. Physically his development was fine, making progress in that he could play with his toes, almost rolled from his back onto his front and could hold items midline with two hands. My GP had signed a sick note for me whilst I was in hospital with Dominic for two weeks so initially I did not need to worry about my absence. Nick said they were coping fine at school and as I would soon be back then they would manage.