Dominic’s sixth month began on a few positive notes. He stayed with Cathy for a couple of hours successfully whilst I went to the dentist and shopped. We went to a coffee morning with Sue C and Sophie, then after lunch he had his first swing in the playground at Walton Gardens. That evening, Nick and I went to buy a second cot for Dominic to have at my parents’ house. He was now not safe to leave just in his pram and we all intended that in due course he would stay the night occasionally with them to give us a rest. Next day was a lucky one as we won £10 on the lottery and received a letter from a shop to say Dominic had won the prize draw for a go-kart. At an NCT sale we went to at Tarporley, I found a beautiful designer christening outfit for Dominic at a bargain price. He was now too big for the original one and we had arranged another date. Due to our current high involvement with the church, Ray had agreed to christen him during one of the usual Sunday morning communion services instead. I was pleased as not only did it mean we could share the experience with some of our new friends, but we could now also book a lunch out afterwards. Great – things were looking up again. Dominic had improved his eating and was learning new skills every day. He had discovered his fingernails and loved to scratch surfaces, including his head, leaving marks – the health visitor noted them. I remember thinking that I was a suspect as I now was a drug addict and failing mother!