Christmas 1997 was very good, especially in contrast to the previous one I had spent in hospital. Dominic opened his presents in our bedroom and had to be coaxed into undoing them all. He wanted to play with each one fully before moving on to the next one. He liked the paper but also the presents, his favourites being cars, trains and ‘Teletubby’ items. Then Nick took him to my parents whilst we made the lunch for our families. One year on from my total breakdown I succeeded in planning, shopping, cooking and serving Christmas lunch and supper for ten people and loved every minute of it! We had even made a jazzy menu using our new computer. Even the socialising and chatting were no longer a strain and we all delighted in Dominic’s continuing joy at opening yet more presents. His Auntie Claire won top prize for managing to have acquired the most hunted toy for that year – a cuddly ‘Teletubby’, from a television series. The day culminated in all of us watching a ‘Teletubby’ video! I had always enjoyed being a hostess prior to my illness and it now appeared that I could once again manage this aspect of life, with my closest family at least. I am sure they must have been relieved to see me handle the day well too. Boxing Day was happily spent with our neighbours and then visiting our respective families for more meals. We all look much more bright-eyed in the photographs this year. My comment in Dominic’s diary was that it had been ‘a nice Christmas’.