I was granted a couple of hours away from my class the following Thursday and in the interim I had to prepare a five-minute presentation outlining the factors which had helped or hindered my recovery. There were going to be three other people also giving actual examples of using the mental health facilities in our area. When I had given my impromptu talk at church I had no time to prepare. This time I did and also managed to get myself very worked up and apprehensive! I agonised over what I should wear; should I get changed; my practical classroom outfits were not smart and I would feel scruffy; a suit may look over the top. Poor Nick had to listen to many possible combinations from my wardrobe. In the end I settled for a kilt and black jumper. I had three evenings then to put together a small talk. I did not sleep well as I kept thinking of snippets I should include. By the side of the bed I put a notebook and kept turning the light on to scribble something down which had occurred to me. Part of me was extremely nervous and was cursing myself for agreeing to do it. Another part was very excited by the challenge and the belief that if I could do this, then I was better.