My excitement about the talk I was preparing to give in London was further fuelled by letters from Mandie, from the organisers and seeing my name in print in all the conference advertisements in the main nursing press. I stood in a supermarket one day and looked through one of the relevant journals and found it. I wanted to dig the person next to me and say ‘That’s me!’ I refrained but I admit I was so pleased about it. I thanked Mandie for thinking of me in the first place and helping to restore a huge chunk of confidence which had left me for so long. I had inflicted my talk on my family and some colleagues at school as rehearsals. Letters and emails between myself and the conference organisers continued so we could check details, e.g. that I needed to use a slide projector. I had decided that my talk would be more effective if I added some relevant family photographs for people to relate to. The conference organisers suggested I booked my own travel tickets and they would refund it after the event. One evening I found a suitable train and booked the cheapest fare. I would travel down the afternoon before and return in the evening the next day. I would have the afternoon to spend in London as I chose. I looked up details of the hotel in Kensington where I would stay for the night and also details of the conference venue. I had practised my make-up, got several different pairs of tights to try and treated myself to new nail polish. I gave my new dress and waistcoat a stroke every time I opened the wardrobe.