The concept of a sustainable community is inherently a spatial construct, focusing on place-based communities. Sustainable communities is now central

to UK developmental policy; for instance, Living Places (ODPM, 2002), Sustainable Communities Plan (ODPM, 2003) and Planning Policy Statement 1: Delivering Sustainable Development (ODPM, 2004a) all refer to this notion, presenting an intertwining of the discourses of sustainable development and sustainable communities. The government’s definition of a sustainable community clearly embodies the key principles of sustainable development; it states that sustainable communities are ones which:

Within urban spatial policy, the government promotes that a sustainable community has seven essential, balanced and integrated components (an active and cohesive community; well run in terms of governance; is environmentally sensitive; is a well-designed built environment; is well connected; has a thriving economy; and is well serviced), which should underpin planning and design processes.