This paper researches which types of connectivity have been developed between Southeast Europe and China within the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) framework. The BRI in Southeast Europe evolves in synergy with “the China and 17 CEECs” model of cooperation. Both models of cooperation are similar in many aspects but what distinguishes them is the BRI’s concept of “five connectivity” focused on projects capable of building networks among the BRI’s partners in the area of policy coordination, infrastructure, trade financial integration, and people-to-people bonds. There are a few projects of that kind in Southeast Europe. Analyzing the fourth area of connectivity, “financial integration,” the paper shows that SEE6–China cooperation in that area could not be coupled with so-called “debt trap diplomacy.” The cooperation between Southeast Europe and China has been exposed to different kinds of interpretations based on data and empirical research but also to analyses that explain the cooperation without giving concrete evidence for their claims that BRI’s connectivity is evolving as China’s “new geopolitics” in Southeast Europe. The paper provides empirical evidence that SEE6–China connectivity has no links to geopolitical values, goals, policies, and projects.