Washington state became yet another lost battleground in the national debate on affirmative action with its passage of Initiative 200, which promises to “end discrimination” by eliminating most forms of affirmative action. Washington, unlike California or Texas, is neither particularly populous nor diverse. Washington has a racial history that, while far from ideal, is less virulent than many other states. The civil rights movement mobilized Washington's African American population, especially in Seattle, to seek equitable economic and educational opportunities by the use of marches, sitins, and boycotts. John Carlson, campaign manager and talk-show host, defended the use of African Americans. Like voters in California and Houston, Washington residents’ opinion appeared to be language dependent. For advocates of affirmative action, the options come down to this: trust in traditional liberalism versus racial realism. Critical race theory can inform the debate on affirmative action as well as help articulate and reinvigorate multiculturalism's political roots.