In recent years, scholars have brought increased attention to the ways in which Black girls are “overpoliced and under protected” in schools. This chapter examines some ways that misogynoir and ableism contribute to the criminalization of Black disabled girls by connecting to tenets of Disability Critical Race Theory or DisCrit. It draws on Beal as an anchor, to trace how the collusive workings of misogynoir and ableism are used to criminalize Black disabled girls, by employing her lenses of economic exploitation, bedroom politics, and relationship to whiteness. The chapter argues for the need to engage in a DisCrit abolitionist imaginary to provide Black disabled girls liberatory education and a just society in the new world that Beal imagined. The structures of capitalism create and oppress disabled bodies as well. Because both whiteness and ability both function as forms of property, the economic exploitation of Black and disabled people is deeply interconnected.