On May 12, 2020, The Guardian reported on the authoritarian populist president of Brazil's disdain for artists who had died of COVID-19. Jair Bolsonaro, a former military officer who has defended dictatorship and torture, has been dubbed the “Trump of the Tropics” and has become infamous for his extreme views and bigotry. Disability justice is a concept developed by artists and activists who are disabled and queer, Black, Indigenous, people of color. This chapter presents a reviews of Nunez's pre-pandemic work followed by his reinvention of that work on lockdown. Nunez's process as an artist entailed literally crossing borders and arriving in New York and discovering disability community. Nunez's play with and within a range of motions, and his valuing of an expansive understanding of disabled temporalities suggests for another crip mode, crip pacing, that has been legible in his work and others' on lockdown.