The blues and hip-hop are musical forms that have inspired dispositions, ways of life, and language practices among African Americans throughout the country. Joy James argues that there is no Black feminism in the singular, instead there are only Black feminisms, a point made evident in the variety of Black feminist thought seen at the turn of the 21st century. A tertiary glance at the definitions of each reveals that they have much in common. In fact, the Jezebel might actually be the heterosexual counterpart of the bulldagger. Both figures are evidence of the anxiety over Black women's sexualities, an anxiety that persists to this day. The politics of respectability required a constant management of one's self, behavior, and comportment. In a response on the social media platform Twitter to someone who questioned whether Megan knew what a “stallion” was, Megan Thee Stallion explains that “a stallion refers to a tall fine girl in the South.”