How can graduate students learn to consolidate policy research and analysis into a memo? Donuts. This chapter explores a tried-and-true writing exercise in Dr. Marsicano’s courses, “The Donut Memo.” Students often find it challenging to take complex, in-depth policy research and distill it into a digestible, concise format. Designed for introductory policy courses, “The Donut Memo” challenges students to do just that through a discussion about snacks. The activity is founded on Bardach and Patashnik’s work, A practical guide for policy analysis. Students read Part 1 of the book and come prepared to discuss. The instructor poses the question, “What snack should the class get today?” with certain criteria. Together, the students discuss alternatives and a decision matrix. Students learn how to think like a policymaker through a simple example and then apply it to more complex, real-world problems. “The Donut Memo” is an engaging, team-based, and delicious exercise that teaches students the principles of policy writing and communication.