A coach comes to supervision with concerns about a new external assignment. These include boundary management, issues with contracting, clarity of outcomes, risks to confidentiality, bullying and racism, the latter two being among the coach's ‘hot spots.’ The coach has organisational knowledge he is unwillingly privy to that may affect the client's career. Imani believes the allegations against her may be an unspoken criterion used as part of a process to take her down a performance route with dismissal possible. As the coach, Raj addressed the intention of coaching with some trepidation. Imani's coaching intention is that she gets support, someone who will stand by her, at a time when she is experiencing the organisation as unsupportive and uncaring. Raj has also become overwhelmed by the situation, in parallel with Imani, and by rediscovering his resourcefulness, and recalling many previously successful approaches he has used, he can decide what to draw from.