Ekkehard Von Kuenssberg worked at the University of Cambridge as a lab assistant but wrote to every medical school in the country in order to secure a place to study. As well as having an impact clinically, Kuenssberg was a significant influence on medical policy in the United Kingdom. The 1950 Collings Report was particularly significant describing the state of general practice as ‘bad and deteriorating’. Furthermore Kuenssberg, as the chairman of the Scottish General Medical Services Committee, was one of the four general practitioners who helped negotiate the 1966 General Practitioner Charter. Kuenssberg strongly believed in increasing the involvement of nurse practitioners in general practice. He held a position on the Queen’s Nursing Institute committee until 1976. In 1981, the same year as his retirement, Kuenssberg was awarded Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Fellowship of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. The Royal College of General Practitioner also named the Kuenssberg Award in his honour.