If we are now to academize Elvis Presley, there is one word and concept that must be dealt with at the outset. That word is "redneck." It must be dealt with because it is an ugly word, an invective used to defame a proud and tragic people, the poor, white, rural, working class of the South; a word used often to berate Elvis Presley and his people because the word is used as a synonym for "bigot." If I had said the word we must consider is "nigger," "chink," "Jap," "kike," "dago," "spick," "chick," or "broad," all of you would have been morally outraged at just hearing those despicable epithets said aloud. At least I hope you would have been. You should have been. But hearing the equally offensive insult "redneck" draws not a flinch in most circles, only a chuckle.