The moral structure of traditional Anishinaabe religion as encapsulated by the term bimaadiziwin is at least one unifying concept providing continuity in the worldview of the Anishinaabeg from the historical past into the modern present. This chapter demonstrates the continuity in the worldview of the Anishinaabeg, it begin with two works by Calvin Martin and Christopher Vecsey that respectively assert the traditional Anishinaabe worldview has lost its vigor. Bimaadiziwin, or the good life, can basically be described as a long and healthy life, and was the life goal for the old Anishinaabeg. Bimaadiziwin is present throughout the course of life for an Anishinaabe from birth to death. The Midewiwin, the most important religious society in Anishinaabe culture, is also based on the teaching of bimaadiziwin. The term Midewiwin is often translated as 'The Grand Medicine Society'. The Anishinaabe relationship with the dead is another area in which the scholarship to date is questionable.