In Lima, Castlefuerte, who had learned of the revolt against Don Manuel Agustín de Ruyloba and the governor's death in December, met with the audiencia of the viceregal capital to discuss the situation in Paraguay. But neither Palos at Los Altos nor Ruyloba in Asuncion had the slightest suspicion that a revolt was in the making. The Paraguayans were pleased by Testimonio de Don Juan Mateo de Arregui support of their cause, and when they learned that he had asked Palos to consecrate him in Buenos Aires, they concluded that there was no reason why he could not be consecrated in Asuncion. The governor, however, still believed in the assurances of the Paraguayans and was aware of the grave consequences of entering Paraguay with a mission army. The death of Ruyloba had come as a terrible shock to him and for a while he seriously debated leaving Paraguay and going to Buenos Aires.