This chapter will explore the role hormones play in influencing dominance status in non-human primates (hereinafter referred to as primates). It starts with the definition of dominance and its importance in primate socioecology. The chapter then explores specific hormones and their role in dominance, beginning with traditionally “male hormones” (i.e., androgens). While it is clear that androgens play a role in dominance status for both males and females, this chapters makes the considerations separately. Next, the chapter explores the role of estrogens and dominance for females only. Finally, the chapter concludes with the relationship between both stress hormones (i.e., glucocorticoids) as well as neurohormones and neurotransmitters with dominance. Overall, the chapter first summarizes what is known in each of these areas and then emphasizes the areas of the literature where there are still gaps in our knowledge.