The name and character of the Great Moghul became the common tali. In a few years Englishmen came to see him face to face as no Indian king had been seen by Europeans since the days when Alexander met Porus on the plains of the Jehlam. One of the companions of Hawkins during part of his residence in India was William Finch, whose account of his adventures may be read in Purchas's collection. In March, 1607, an expedition consisting of a single vessel left England for India. After visiting Aden, and having some passages with the governor there, the captain headed the ship directly for Cambay. Early in September, 1608, it foundered off the Guzerat coast, but the crew to the number of fifty-five persons managed to reach the mouth of the Gandevi, whence they made their way to Surat, where they fell in with William Finch.