Power struggles, legitimacy claims, boundary work, and status hierarchies are some of the most difficult situations that affect belly dance communities. Some participants experience a host of passive aggressive behaviors from other members in the community, such as backstabbing, undercutting, gig-stealing, and cattiness. All of these negative behaviors violate norms within the world of belly dance. The major power differences in belly dance occur between students and teachers and/or troupe leaders and troupe members. Boundaries are created around who may and may not legitimately occupy leadership roles, and norms dictate how teachers, troupe leaders, troupe members, and students should be treated. Performance opportunities are limited, and paid performances are scarcer still. There are only so many restaurants or events at which belly dancers perform, especially in smaller towns. The lack of paid performance opportunities partly inflames competition and conflict between dancers. Interpersonal strains within belly dance can be so challenging that some people exit the world of belly dance.