With the development of SME business in Bandung, the T-shirt producing or “Suci” region is no longer customers the main choice due to the strong bargaining power of buyers. The author has conducted interviews to determine the condition of that region. Some entrepreneurs said that a lack of motivation and undisciplined business can lead to unsuccessful business attempts. To face the intense competition, proper entrepreneurial characteristics are required. This study sets out to determine the relationship between entrepreneurial characteristics and business performance in the “Suci” region. This research uses a quantitative method with 80 respondents and applies the probability sampling technique. Based on the results of this study, there is a very strong relationship between self-confidence, results-oriented, risk-taking, leadership, originality, and future-oriented outlook and business success (49.7%), while the remaining 50.3% of successful cases are explained by other variables which are not examined in this research, such entrepreneurial behavior, entrepreneurial interests and innovation.