Flow injection analysis (FIA) was proposed almost 40 years ago. It is now reaching its maturity and, despite the unfullled promise of large-scale implementation in routine analysis, this technique has contributed to research advance and formation of many analytical chemists and originated more than 21,500 papers in peer-reviewed international journals (Flow Injection Analysis Database, 2014). Nevertheless, recent reviews (Vidigal et al., 2013; Worsfold et al., 2013; Batista et al., 2014) indicate that the ame is still burning and scientists believe in FIA as a suitable tool to face new analytical challenges. This chapter aims to provide a personal view of what are likely to be the future topics of research with special impact in food analysis. This view is based on literature survey, on the papers presented at the 18th International Conference on Flow Injection Analysis (ICFIA), held in Porto, in September 2013, on papers collected in a special issue of Talanta (2015), and also on the most recent general books about ow analysis (Kolev and McKelvie, 2008; Trojanowicz, 2008).