The manuscripts from Qumran Cave 4 that were edited by John M. Allegro (1968) included two important (though fragmentary) wisdom texts. One text (4Q184) is a somewhat lurid description of Lady Folly-a personification of foolishness as a female figure well known from the early chapters of Proverbs. The text is clearly intended to warn those seeking righteousness against the seductions of folly and sin. The second text (4Q185) is part of a wisdom instruction in which an experienced and wise sage warns his listeners against choosing the way of foolishness and urges them instead to follow the way of wisdom and righteousness. Allegro’s editions of these texts need to be supplemented and corrected by the long review article written by John Strugnell (1970:163-276). Indeed, there are more pages in Strugnell’s review article than in Allegro’s edition!