Chapter 5 focuses on the lexical, syntactical and typographical characteristics that define subtitling, a very specific type of written discourse that somehow also mimics speech. However, a cursory glance at some subtitled audiovisual productions demonstrates that professional practice is rather heterogeneous and that subtitling conventions can vary substantially from one country to another, from one company to another and even from one production to another. The key objective of this chapter is therefore to explore the main issues that affect the formal presentation of subtitles and to investigate the parameters that tend to be discussed in style guides and enjoy professional recognition. It deals with typographical syntax, also known as orthotypography, which is the study of the correct usage of typographic signs, and various other elements of layout that are used for separating, highlighting and clarifying written text. It also offers advice on the formal rendering of songs, letters and other written documents, as well as numbers, abbreviations, symbols, measures and weights.