This chapter examines the meanings and implications of 'frictionless sharing' within a broader discussion of digital intimacy. 'Frictionless sharing' can more richly be examined in the light of queer interventions made in response to mediations of HIV/AIDS, which have aimed to resignify the negative and even fatal connotations of promiscuity. In Unlimited Intimacy, Tim Dean focuses on a range of pornographic films, personal ads, private gatherings, and interviews with participants as evidence of the social, sexual, and representational codes of the barebacking subculture. Accordingly, Wood advocates consciousness, thoughtfulness, and above all active choice as propellants of the digital 'tidal wave' that results from collective appreciation of rare 'gems'. In Richard Grusin's update of the theory of remediation emerges a more compelling explanation of frictionless sharing. New modes of 'frictionless' sharing of online content at the event, Mark Zuckerberg continuously underscored the 'social experience' of online networks.