This was the framework of power relations in which Hitler first acceded to government. The framework is important in making clear that the Nazis did not come to power with the consent of the Reichstag, the parliamentary road, however far along that way they progressed. But it is even more vitally important in understanding the speed with which Hitler was able to move towards the creation of a more authoritarian and totalitarian regime. In the latter aspect, Hitler's actions were presaged by one of his immediate predecessors as chancellor: Franz von Papen. In mid-July 1932, von Papen instituted a peaceful coup d' etat over the Prussian Land administration in an attempt to consolidate his shaky power base. The government there readily capitulated and the result was the undermining of a critical element of German federalism. The incorporation of Prussia was achieved through an emergency presidential decree. Hitler enjoyed the same facility upon his assumption of office in late January 1933.