Today’s world is rapidly changing; it is becoming increasingly complex and diverse. It is no longer enough for students to acquire knowledge or to master reading, writing and arithmetic; they must also master creativity, critical thinking, communication and collaboration. They must also develop core competencies in languages, digital literacy and problem solving; they must learn to master content while producing, synthesising and evaluating large amounts of information from a variety of subjects and sources. In addition, students must demonstrate civic responsibility, tolerance, understanding and respect for diverse cultures and different people. Above all, they must learn how to learn. This chapter shares some of the activities conducted in a module for prospective teachers from eight European countries and includes discussions on how they see the changes in the world, how they can influence the study process and their personal development, what needs every learner has, and how teachers and teacher educators can support learning to develop every student’s potential and help them gain a better understanding of the problems of a 21st century driven by globalisation, urbanisation and digitalisation.