This chapter attempts to provide some details with regard to the general appearance of the Negritos, as they would appear to an intelligent traveller, and also some slight account of Negrito character. The Negrito is a little man—he has been called a pygmy—his height being perhaps about 150 cm. His women folk are smaller, about 140 cm. The story alluded to is that of how the Negritos got their hair burnt when they hid themselves in porcupine burrows on a grass plain during the war between rival monkey kings. Skeat describes Negrito hair as being, in most cases, crisp, short and very curly, in fact actually woolly in the purer types, and its colour as being brownish black. Schebesta gives a general description of the Negritos in which he says that they are squat and ill-proportioned with powerful and short bodies on long legs.