Generally speaking, the compensating attitude of the unconscious finds expression in the maintenance of the psychic equilibrium. A normal extraverted attitude does not mean that the individual invariably behaves in accordance with the extraverted schema. As a consequence of the general attitude of extraversion, thinking is oriented by the object and objective data. The thinking of the extraverted type is positive, i.e., productive. It leads to the discovery of new facts or to general conceptions based on disparate empirical material. As feeling is undeniably a more obvious characteristic of feminine psychology than thinking, the most pronounced feeling types are to be found among women. Both the foregoing types may be termed rational, since they are grounded on the functions of rational judgment. The primary function of intuition, however, is simply to transmit images, or perceptions of relations between things, which could not be transmitted by the other functions or only in a very roundabout way.