Darfur is a land locked remote area in the far western side of Sudan. It’s about the size of France, approximately 250,000 square kilometers27 in area, with a population of about six million or 15 percent of the country’s total population. Darfur extends between 10°N and 16°N and from 22°E to 27°E.28 The area is surrounded by clear natural boundaries bordered by Libya and desert in the north, a series of sandy dunes leading to the province state of Kordofan in the east, the state of Bahr al-Ghazal in the south, and Chad and the Central African Republic (CAR) in the west and southwest, respectively (see Figure 2.1). To the south the tsetse fl y inhibits animal movement beyond the area of Bahr alArab, but toward the west the geographical features are similar to those of Darfur.