Considerations .................................................................................. 321 11.4 Inspection, Maintenance, and Preservation Aspects of Sustainability ........ 323

11.4.1 Comments on the Program in Germany ........................................... 323 11.4.2 Swiss KUBA: A Comprehensive Road Structure Management

System-Swiss Federal Roads Authority ......................................... 325 11.4.3 Bridge Management System for the Western Cape Provincial

Government, South Africa ................................................................ 325 11.4.4 Considerations for Sustainability in New Zealand ........................... 327 11.4.5 Concrete Sustainability Progress in China ....................................... 328 11.4.6 Testing in the Persian Gulf Region ................................................... 329 11.4.7 Japanese and European Standards for Self-Compacting Concrete .... 329 11.4.8 SCC Experience in India .................................................................. 329 11.4.9 SCC Case in Cambodia .................................................................... 330

11.5 Some Global Considerations of Concrete Sustainability .............................. 330 11.6 New International Considerations ................................................................ 331 11.7 Other Environmental Considerations for Concrete Sustainability ............... 331

11.7.1 Supplementary Cementitious Materials............................................ 331 11.7.2 GHG Production from Manufacture of Cement/Concrete ............... 331 11.7.3 Proposed Legislation for Greenhouse Gas Emission Control .......... 333

References .............................................................................................................. 334

The term sustainability is amorphous in the sense that it has fallen into general use in maintenance of the environment and preserving environmental quality while actually having little chance of being achieved. The term generally carries the meaning of no negative impact on the environment. Achieving no negative impact could only apply in the case of renewable resources, since even minor utilization rates of nonrenewable resources would suggest that sustainability is not possible unless the resource in question was no longer required to support life, health, environmental quality, or the economy.