Table 2 summarizes all the tests carried out. Two oedometer tests were performed for each grading in a Rowe-type cell specially adapted for granular materials. Samples were 152 mm in diameter and approximately 50 mm in height. The granular material was initially equilibrated during 24 hours under the laboratory controlled atmosphere, (50% RH and T = 22◦C). Before compaction, a double layer of polythene with silicone grease inside was placed between the rockfill sample and the inner lateral wall of the oedometer cell in order to reduce the lateral friction during the test. The sample was compacted inside the oedometer ring in two layers, equal in weight, using a Marshall hammer. This hammer has the benefit of

transmitting the energy to the material through a fixed surface, avoiding a direct impact to the rock particles and the resulting intense breakage of the layer surface. The total compaction energy applied corresponds to the Normal Proctor test (584.3kJ/m3).