This chapter presents a case study of Basra Khalid and Brooke Campbell who are back on campus at Carolina State University (CSU) for summer semester, each taking two classes in Athletic Training, the major they plan to declare. Basra is retaking one course for a better grade, and a second so that she can have a lighter spring semester. Brooke needs these credits because she studied abroad during the spring semester. Basra, a Somali-American student whose family came to the United States as refugees when she was four years old, grew up in St. Paul, Minnesota. Brooke and Basra met during their second semester of freshman year, while studying for a human anatomy class. The summer term was a good one for both Basra and Brooke. Basra did her field observation at Brooke's father's sports injury practice and was able to make subtle changes to the uniform to accommodate her religious beliefs.