BY order of the most excellent Lord, Don Luis de Velasco, Vice Roy of this New Spain, and of the most illustrious and most reverend Lord Don fray Garcia Guerra, Archbishop of Mexico, of His Majesty's Council : I have seen this book of the Events in the Philippine Islands, written by Dr. Antonio de Morga, Alcalde of the Court and Royal Audiencia of Mexico; and it appears to me to be agreeable and profitable, and worthy to be printed ; inasmuch as the author has observed with exactitude the laws of history, and for the careful arrangement of the work; in which he shews brilliant genius, and a laconic style which few attain to, and a truthfulness in the matter, such as one might have who possessed such complete information respecting it, from the years during which he governed those islands. And I have signed this with my name in this Professed House of the Company of Jesus of Mexico, on the 1st day of April of 1609.