Physical exercise is usually the primary steps in the management of chronic disease. It increases oxygen flow to all cells and also helps in more perspiration. Therefore influence of physical activity (PA) on sweat gland is studied in this work. Because of the presence of elements like Na+, Cl- and Ca+ etc in sweat, any change in its secretion leads to change in electrical conductance of the skin which can be picked up by electrodermal activity (EDA). Such a response of skin activity to electrical stimulus is studied through EDA for group of volunteers who are with and without PA. A total of 52 healthy subjects 29 male and 23 female in the age group between 35 and 65 are recruited for this study. In these 27 subjects are termed as GROUP-I who are continuously involved in PA and the remaining 25 are termed as GROUP-II who are not into any PA. Since these signals are low in magnitude and frequency, for better feature extraction they are convolved with morlet wavelet. The statistical analysis performed on these features shows higher skin conductivity response and distinct rate of change of conductivity during electrical stimuli. This confirms the influence of PA on sweat gland and hence better activity.