Immersive communication is a comprehensive “aggregation” containing all the forms of communication language recognized by communication academics: oral language, graphic language, written language, electronic language, scene language, pseudo language, and outdoor advertisements. It also includes some new forms of media yet to be included in communication theories, such as surveillance cameras. The analysis of information content and movement mode is an essential part of the study of immersive communication. Immersive communication contains all the old and new media—traditional media such as newspaper and television; mobile media such as mobile phones, mobile television, blogs, and podcasts; and environmental media such as outdoor advertisements, building advertisements, and interactive screens on vending machines. The language of immersive communication exists anywhere and anytime. Immersive communication completely liberates people from the restrictions of time and space. Immersive communication contains almost all ways of communication, such as interpersonal communication, group communication, organizational communication, and mass communication.