This chapter theoretically analyzes ziji from the three theories. The first is the pure-pragmatic solution posed by C. T. J. Huang via his revised neo-Gricean pragmatic theory of anaphora, which claims ziji is captured by pragmatic mechanisms. The second is a dual approach by Huang and C. S. L. Liu, asserting that ziji is dually an anaphor and a logophor. The third is a syntactic anaphoric theory by Reuland, which ventures that if binding does not take place in the syntax first, then pragmatics takes over. Importantly, the syntactic approach has dominated the theoretical underpinnings of the experimental literature on ziji, with pragmatics relegated largely to the sidelines. Liu and Huang and Liu proposed that there are two different zijis: an anaphor that is bound within its Governing Category and a logophor when it is not bound within its Governing Category.