This chapter discusses battery, assault, false imprisonment, the tort in Wilkinson v Downton and harassment under the Protection from Harassment Act 1997. It explains interference with the person, and the following torts in particular: trespass to the person, in the form of battery and assault and false imprisonment, also wilful harm, and harassment. The chapter is concerned with bodily interference, and interference with a person’s mental well-being. It introduces the umbrella term of ‘trespass to the person’. The chapter examines what defences might be available, and what remedies might be available, for trespass to the person. It explores the tort in Wilkinson v Downton and the wilful infliction of harm. The chapter considers the statutory wrong of harassment. It argues that a given set of facts might lead to overlapping torts. The chapter also considers which of several overlapping torts might be the most suitable to govern the particular facts. It shows how the law might be improved or developed.