The programs spline and spleen use quadratic splines with uniformly spaced knots, first to perform simple interpolation and then to produce a collocation approach to the calculation of the energy levels arising from the Schrodinger equation. This chapter deals with simple quadratic splines, showing how they can be used not only for interpolation but also to produce a propagator method which is applicable to the Schrodinger equation of quantum mechanics. Since both the programs spline and spleen are short and simple in structure, there is no need for a detailed programming notes section; comments about programming details are made when necessary within the description of the listed programs. Program analysis and program Lines 2000 and 2010 set up the arrays A and B to be large enough to go as far as the highest-order approximant possible. Killingbeck gave some numerical results obtained by applying Wynn’s algorithm for Pade approximants to the Euler series..