This introduction presents an overview of the key concepts covered in the subsequent chapters of this book. Part nine of the book explores the intersections between philanthrocapitalism and media, and describes how philanthrocapitalists have leveraged communication technology and media storytelling to amplify their global influence well beyond the force of their monetary donations alone. It revisits the arguments that called for intervention, details the persuasions that justified it, looks at the UN Resolution that allowed it, and examines the role media played in articulating it. The book then compares the case made for a "humanitarian" intervention in Libya with the actual situation that was taking place on the ground, false documentation that drove it, how the war was prosecuted, and offers an assessment questioning, in retrospect, if it was "the right thing to do". It also revisits the debates over what has been called "CNN effect", a term that assumes media coverage of crises invariably leads to instigating humanitarian responses.