This introduction presents an overview of keyconcepts discussed in the subsequent chapters of this book. The book focuses on Europeanisation, with emphasis on Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP), taking into account areas hitherto neglected. It assesses the extent to which the end of the Cold War led to Europeanisation in European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP), and attempts to account for the development of Europeanisation and related mechanisms. The book focuses on the debate regarding the role of CSDP and its relation to the Europeanisation process and mechanisms of adjustment. It also examines the political climate and other factors that contributed to the process of Europeanisation. The book investigates the evolution of the relationship between CSDP and North Atlantic Treaty Organization. It examines the European defence output and its limitations through empirical analysis. The book provides an overall roadmap of the driving forces behind the Europeanisation process and a list of Europeanisation core issues in relation to the learning mechanism.