Ubiquity-effects imply a development of information-intensive environments and cultural engagements with complex situative mixed reality worlds. Mobile computational entities and their cultural enfoldment are such good foci because they make felt the ways in which complexity arises from a vast number of distinguishable relational regimes and their associated state spaces, promising a defined system of interactivity for “ubiquity”. Ubiquity-effects can involve mobility and relationality on the fly, informative ad hoc multiplicitous networkings, emergent architectures and designs, as well as complex modes of technical and cultural individuation. The complexity pertaining to the development of ubicomp cultures and their systems necessarily requires and draws upon thoroughly transdisciplinary modes of work and transdisciplinary exchanges. The complexity of human and technical temporalizations along with their transversal interrelations of timescales as well as of both homogeneous and heterogeneous times is increasingly an issue that has to be addressed. The chapter also presents an overview of the key concepts discussed in this book.