Jon Stewart's The Cultural Crisis of the Danish Golden Age: Johan Ludvig Heiberg, Hans Lassen Martensen and Soren Kierkegaard is the latest of his many studies that attempt to gain a better understanding of the rich cultural achievements of this famous period in Danish history. Stewart attempts to show how thinkers as diverse as Heiberg, Martensen, and Kierkegaard all made use of the notion of a crisis to characterize what they took to be wrong with their age. On the contrary, Stewart takes great care to show that what Heiberg, Martensen, Kierkegaard, and others describe as the crisis of the Golden Age is in fact very similar to what has been described as the crisis of our modern world. Stewart argues that Kierkegaard is largely under the influence of Heiberg with this concept, which can be seen as a response to the crisis of nihilism and relativism of the day.