This chapter focuses on Kurdish feminism that developed in the post-1990 period. It discusses the main characteristics of third-wave womens movements in order to understand Kurdish feminism. The chapter analyzes the entities that created Kurdish feminism is the Kurdish man and the Turkish woman, with whom it was faced and with whom it struggled. It presents a brief summary of the Kurdish womens movement. Reacting to this, women who took part in the Kurdish womens movement considered the activities of ATOMs to be serving the project that Milli Gvenlik Kurulu (MGK) was trying to realize, and initiated a strong reaction. The chapter aims to kill their language and fertility that regenerates the Kurdish nation. Women in the Kurdish womens movement argue that they are not only women, the members of a nation. In an analysis of the women who take part in Islamic political parties and organizations, it is underlined that Islamic women struggle not only against the political authorities.