In the late 1890s, Lachlan Grant began working as a doctor overseeing the health of slate quarry workers. In 1900, he accepted a job as the medical officer for the quarry company. Between 1905 and 1908, Grant served as the medical officer once more for a hospital in Northern Skye. In 1906, during his time in Skye he became impassioned by the cause of agricultural workers, and in response oversaw the formation of the Highland Crofters and Cotters Association; an entity dedicated to campaigning for fair and just working conditions for farm labourers. In 1930, drawing upon his extensive experience treating work-related diseases in the slate quarry, he accepted a job as the medical officer for health at the new aluminium plant in Kinlochleven. In this role for British Aluminium he continued to publish as an occupational physician about the effects of working with aluminium.