This chapter examines the construction of the image of the virtual Flaneur as well as the ­digitally enabled experience of Flanerie through a comparative analysis of two different examples of this phenomenon. An open-world video game partially set in 18th-century Havana that allows players to explore and roam the colonial Havana city and a web-based application that invites users to explore the city of Caminando Bogota in an interactive and two-dimensional way. The chapter focuses on the part of the game set in Havana in the early 18th century, as well as the options that the playable character of Edward Kenway offers to explore the colonial city. In the specific case of the two cities, Havana and Bogota, photographers such as Henry Duperly and Jose Gomez de la Carrera, and documentalists and filmmakers such as Tomas Gutierrez Alea, Fernando Perez and Sergio Cabrera have played a central role in the elaboration of the photographic and audiovisual imaginary.