Oxymora allow, by stretching the time frame, to describe and communicate changes and their possible consequences better. In art as in mysticism, oxymora and paradoxes form the basis for the expression of the ineffable. The intrinsic connection between law and the mind was expressed by the term "law as mnemonics". For law facing global challenges in the form of an increasing diversity and complexity, the concept of "mnemonic law" is proposed as a point of departure for the search for novel solutions in line with the rising interest in cognitive science. A global mnemonic legal order must remain "dynamic". In terms of the sanctions imposed by its various legal instruments to secure compliance, a global legal order must be "creative". As synaesthesia connects two or more sensory modalities, oxymora may at least inseparably connect two opposite or antagonistic concepts and thereby pave the way towards greater "global connectivity" through cognitive coherence in both the psychological and legal sense.