Wars produce casualties; injuries, deaths, also psychological trauma, and the food class wars are no exception. The primary effect of a diet high in cheap processed foods and low in expensive fresh produce is obesity. The term ‘food desert’ rapidly entered both academic research and the media, as researchers found them in other cities. The more deprived urban areas are often awash with convenience food shops, ethnic-minority-oriented stores, local supermarket branches, not to mention fast food outlets and other sources of ready-to-eat food. Transporting food is a major issue for the poor without cars because not only is fresh produce more expensive per calorie than processed pizzas, fresh food is also heavier in terms of weight per calorie. If space is a socially constructed concept then surely money is even more of an artificial construct, and the financial situation of the poor can be analysed in Lefebvrian terms of l’argent percu, l’argent concu, and l’argent vecu.